What a week, y’all! I’ve challenged myself and been oh-so-encouraged by your comments. From realizing that 24 hours is never going to be enough and exploring ways to create time all the way to figuring out MITs and finally getting a grip on social media, we’ve covered a lot of ground.
Today, though, we’re going back to the beginning. If we really want to get a handle on our time, we need to realize the truth about time. I went to the Source on this one. After several hours of scouring the Bible and reading every reference to time I could find, I discovered four simple yet profound truths about time.
1. You can’t take it with you.
Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:20-21 ESV
Just like we are admonished not to store up physical treasures, we need to understand that we cannot store up time either. No matter how much we may wish we have. We can only use the moments we’ve been given for the Lord’s purposes. We must not be guilty of putting off the things that matter eternally in order to do the things that will not last. There is only so much time – and the reality is, none of knows how much we have. Every minute is precious. How would it change our days if we lived in this awareness?
2. Your plans are not written in stone.
The heart of a man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his path. Proverbs 16:9 (see also Proverbs 19:21 and Proverbs 21:2)
We know this, right? We joke about Murphy’s Law and “the best laid plans.” But far too often we are guilty of taking our plans far more seriously than they deserve. Yes, we want to use our time well and be purposeful. However, we must also realize that sometimes our definition of purposeful doesn’t line up with the Lord’s purpose for the day. We’ve got to be willing to lay aside our plans to walk in His plan.
3. We don’t always know the best way.
If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. James 1:5
This one verse gives me more hope than almost any other! I am so NOT wise … but how thankful I am that God gives generously and without reproach. He knows I need wisdom and He is willing to give it when I ask. Honestly, the truth here is: We rarely (never?) know the best way … at least outside of prayer.
4. Worry wastes the precious time we have.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. Philippians 4:6 (See also Matthew 6:25-34)
Worry … about our children, our finances, our blogs, our family, our decisions about schooling and nutrition, about our failures (real and imagined), about our dreams, and the list could go on forever. How much time do we waste by worrying? Especially worrying about things over which we have no control. To redeem our time, we must replace worry with prayer! MUST.
I told you, these are not revolutionary. There’s nothing new here … but maybe, really, we don’t need anything new. Maybe, honestly, what we need is eternal, unchanging.
What would happen if we chose to live walking daily – minute by minute – within these four truths? How would that change our hearts, our lives, our families?
Shall we give it a try?
What a week! Come back tomorrow for some of my favorite resources about managing our time well, redeeming it. And next week, it’s Laundry and Dishes and Meals, Oh My! Join me on a journey to intentional homemaking. Just to make sure you don’t miss a post in this series, please take a moment to subscribe for daily updates in your email. All the previous posts in Starting Well in 2012 are indexed here.
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What a great series this has been! You are right on the money! Life is much less busy and I waste less time when I actively seek His will instead to trying to push my own agenda.
Thank you, Marci! I have thoroughly enjoyed writing these past few weeks and I’m looking forward to finishing it up over the next four weeks. I cannot believe Starting Well is halfway over. My prayer is that the foundation for an amazing year is laid and solidly resting on the Word of God.