Week 1: Quiet Time … discipline in my spiritual life
- Devotions, Quiet Times, Personal Bible Study. Is is really necessary? “God is not interested in your quiet time or devotions or personal Bible study … His interest is YOU.”
- 10 Tips for a Great Quiet Time “Spending time in the Word is important … but how that happens and for how long on any given day? I’m just not sure that is quite as big a deal to God as it seems to be to us sometimes.”
- Memorize, Meditate, and Meander: Storing Up God’s Word 3 ways to spend time treasuring Scripture
- Tools of the Trade: Resource Recommendations Suggestions for Bibles, study aids, devotionals, and books on spiritual disciplines
- Chocolate, Paradise, and Every Spiritual Blessing Guest post by Kathy Howard inviting us to join her online study, “Growing Up Together: A Study of Ephesians”
Week 2: The Man … the 5 S’s of marriage
- Are You a Nagging Wife? What we say about our husbands matters and HOW we say it may matter more.
- 10 Ways to Speak Well of Your Husband Simple ways to build up your husband and to be an encouragement and support to him.
- The “S” Word Three truths about sex in marriage and why it matters.
- The Other “S” Word: Submission Biblical submission in modern marriage.
- Sharing Your Husband? Giving grace in our marriages.
- Tools of the Trade My favorite books on marriage.
Week 3: Crazy Kids … The 4 P’s of Parenting
- Parenting with Purpose It is through our discipline – our training and instruction – that we guide our children from the folly of childish things into the wisdom of maturity.
- 10 Ways to Parent with Purpose Simple ideas for parenting with purpose
- Parenting with Passion When we do those things we love, we are more content, more encouraging, more energetic in the rest of our lives. When we embrace our passions, we become better moms.
- Parenting with Praise Two ways to encourage your children.
- Parenting with Prayer Of all the gifts we give our children, it is parenting with prayer that reaps the greatest rewards.
- Tools of the Trade: Parenting My favorite books on parenting.
Week 4: Ticking Clock … disciplined time management
- 24 Hours Is Never Enough We will never manage our time well unless we submit it first to the One who is the Creator and Sustainer of time.
- 10 Ways to Create Time There are ways to redeem the time we have, to use it more intentionally and more efficiently.
- Priorities + Delegation = Productivity Determining the priorities for your day is not designed to bind you into legalism but rather to give you freedom.
- Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, Linked In … Exhaustion Social media, like everything else, can hold a place in our hearts and minds that it doesn’t deserve. We must be good stewards of this tool … because that’s what it is, a tool.
- 4 Truths about Time 4 biblical truths about managing our time
- Tools of the Trade My favorite resources for time management.
Week 5: Laundry and Dishes and Meals, Oh My! intentional homemaking
- Laundry and Dishes and Meals, Oh My! Encouragement to consider the significance of home management and homemaking.
- 10 Ways to Make a Home Reminder not to get so caught up in managing our homes that we neglect the far more significant task of making a home.
- 4 Qualities of a Well-Made Home Four attributes of a well-made home as identified in Proverbs.
You always have the BEST series on here! 🙂
You are so sweet!! I appreciate your encouragement {and sweet mention in your post yesterday}.
I’m thoroughly enjoying this series and have linked you on my blog. I hope you don’t mind! I also promised my readers – both of them – that I would link the week’s posts every Sunday for the next seven weeks, though I did suggest they subscribe. It’s just too good not to share!
Jen, thank you for your kind words and for sharing my posts with your readers. I do hope they are encouraged as well. Bless you!
Hi! I’m delighted to meet you! I cam here via the BlissDom link-up. Trying to make sure that I will recognize a few friendly faces when I get there. I have recently discovered the power of a grateful heart … one born more of discipline than natural overflow … as I have been engaged in a war against depression. God has been so good to give me the tools that I would need to choose life and joy even on days when it would be so much easier to pull the covers back over my head and sleep forever!
Beth Zimmerman recently posted…Hello BlissDom 2012
Nice to meet you too, Beth! We’ll have to connect at BlissDom.