Oh this one is my favorite! Of all the gifts we give our children, it is parenting with prayer that reaps the greatest rewards. This is going to be another short post because we don’t need to read more about this topic … we need to spend more time living this topic. {Now is the appropriate time for an “Amen!”}
Pray with them.
From kneeling by their bedsides at night to quick prayer whispered as a teenager prepares to walk out the door for school … praying with our children is a MUST!
- Teach them to pray. They learn to pray by hearing us pray and they learn to have a praying life by watching us live a praying life.
- Listen to them pray. You might have to ask them to pray with you, especially as they get older, but it is a gift we give to our children when we encourage them to pray aloud and in front of others. Far too often I meet women who are terrified to pray aloud because they never have done it. Encourage your children in this area!!
- Remind them to pray. Just like they need reminding about picking up toys and turning off lights, we need to remind our children to pray. 🙂
Pray for them.
What a joy to pray for our children. I won’t go deep into this because my friend Brooke has written extensively on the topic and I’d only echo what she says. But choose Scripture and pray it for your kids! Let them know that you pray for them.
Pray around them.
Our kids need to see us praying … not just at meals or when we have our Bibles open. Ann Voskamp recently wrote about making our homes “a house of prayer.” Share with your children how you incorporate prayer into your routine and help them learn to do the same.
The truth is there isn’t a perfect way to pray for your kids. The reality is we just don’t take enough time to do it.
How do you parent with prayer?
More on this topic of intentional parenting:
image source: canstockphoto.com
Just a couple of days ago, my 9 yr old came downstairs while I was still doing my morning prayer time. Once I finished, we talked about our upcoming day. I shared about something I needed to work on and said, “That’s somehing you could pray about for me.” He smiled so big. Then I asked him, “What’s a something you need me to pray for you about?” It was a sweet exchange–and he’s right. He needs prayer for ending his turn on the computer nicely when time is up!
Jeanette Edgar recently posted…God Sees – Devotion for Moms and Kids