{This might be my shortest blog post ever.}
Praise generously. Give your children as much encouragement as you can.
Praise genuinely. But make sure you are giving legitimate encouragement. Be specific … and focus more on character than ability and appearance.
One of the most beautiful gifts in the world is the gift of encouragement. When someone encourages you, that person helps you over a threshold you might otherwise never have crossed on your own. – John O’Donohue
How do you encourage your children?
Image by © Royalty-Free/Corbis
The 4 P’s of Parenting … we’ve covered parenting with purpose, 10 ways you can parent with purpose, parenting with passion, and parenting with praise. Come back tomorrow for Parenting with Prayer. Just to make sure you don’t miss a post in this series, please take a moment to subscribe for daily updates in your email. All the previous posts in Starting Well in 2012 are indexed here.
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Oh, Teri Lynne! I have been reading your posts this week and all I have to say is amen and amen! Wonderful wisdom and insight here.
Thank you, Molli! Of course, I have to say I’ve had some amazing mothers to watch and learn from over the years. 😉
My 11-yr-old daughter knows I love her (we tell each other all the time), but I make sure to tell her that I like her too. I sincerely like the girl she’s growing up to be and I like spending time with her. It makes a difference!
In Christ,
Laura Rath recently posted…My One Word for 2012 – Trust
Yes! I feel the same way about my 11-year-old. I told my husband a few months ago that our girl is one of my favorite people. She is funny and kind and a joy to be around. What a gift!
What a great reminder! I’ve spent too much time feeling like I wasn’t doing the best I could for the kids, but now I’m trying to live by these principles and be a positive influence in their little lives!
That is great, Heather!