In the words of the old D C Talk song, “Time is tickin’ away, tick, tick, tickin’ away.” And it’s true, y’all, time really is “tickin’ away.” It is our most finite resource and the truth is we really can’t create more of it. But there are ways to redeem the time we have, to use it more intentionally and more efficiently. Here are ten ideas for managing your time better.
- Plan well. As the old saying goes, “If you don’t plan your day, someone else will.” Take control of your time.
- “Catch up time.” The truth is, I always have more tasks than time … and I’m easily distracted. In effort to diminish the effects of this character flaw, I build catch up time into my day. Allocate an hour each day for catching up. {Here’s a hint, it’s best not to make this the hour before you go to bed. You’ll be too tired. #VoiceOfExperience}
- Group like tasks. This is one of those tips that’s given in every organization book out there … because it works!!
- Establish your priorities for each day.
- Start well. Begin your day by asking God what His plan for these hours is.
- Make a list … then mark off 10%.
- Give yourself some playtime. You are going to get on Pinterest or play Words with Friends. You enjoy it and it relaxes and even inspires you. Admit it … and build it into your routine. #WithoutFeelingGuilty
- Delegate. Here’s something that just might shock you but pay close attention. You don’t have to do it all!! Someone else may do it differently but just enjoy that it’s done.
- Delete. There are things you do (or feel guilty about not doing) that really don’t matter. Want to know what you can delete? My best advice, ask your husband. He’ll probably be glad to tell you what things you really don’t need to worry about.
- GO TO BED!! Want to create more time in your day … get enough rest!! It’s not rocket science, I know, but you will be more productive and feel better if you are well-rested.
So there you have it … 10 tips for creating time.
What would you add to my list?
All the previous posts in Starting Well in 2012 are indexed here.
Loved your list! I have been struggling with time management lately, so this post came just at the right time for me! I was a senior in high school in 1992. Hubby and I listened to DC Talk all the time when we were dating and then when we got married. Yes, I married my senior year of high school and will be celebrating 20 years this year! 🙂
Joy recently posted…giving thanks.. #651-660
Thanks, Joy! There are so many simple things we often neglect to consider in how we plan our time. And congratulations on 20 years!
I’ll have to come back tomorrow to read your post b/c right now I’m still in High School stuck on that pic of Toby, Mike and Kevin.
Love it, Amanda!! 🙂
I love your list Teri! I so need this. I never feel there’s enough time in the day and I’m always behind. Can’t wait to read tomorrow!
Have a great day!
Oh Cyndi … ME TOO! And can I just say I think we have lived parallel lives? Cannot wait to see you at Blissdom, friend.
Such a fabulous post. So many of these things are teeny-tiny (like scheduling fun time) but they make a big difference.
Trying to figure out which 1 (or 3) to implement today! 🙂
(ps–I had to skip over the picture this morning so I could focus on the words!)
You crack me up!! 🙂 But, yes, lots of small ideas that can have a big impact.
This series is A-mazing. Loving it all!
And this list is really good – like why did I not think of that before – really good.
Stacey recently posted…Words That Will Melt Your Heart
Thank you, sweet Stacey! You bless me, Writer-Girl. So thankful your friendship.
Scheduling in “catch up” time. Genius, and yet so simple. I also find knowing how well I function or don’t function at a certain time of day helps to plan accordingly what tasks best fit in which timeframes. Looking forward to reading tomorrow on priorities.
Jeanette Edgar recently posted…God Hears–Not Just Prayers
It’s how I survive, Jeanette! I give myself one hour before I pick the girls up from school to catch up on whatever I haven’t managed to finish. Keeps our afternoons from being quite so frustrating. (usually)