That I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, that by any means possible I may attain the resurrection from the dead.
Philippians 3:10-11, emphasis added
By any means possible. I have to confess, this scares me. Paul said this and he was stoned, beaten, shipwrecked, imprisoned. Me? I’m more of a “go to church, hang out with my Christian friends, read Karen Kingsbury books, and talk about our favorite worship songs” kind of girl. Any means possible sounds scary … and very brave. I’m not particularly brave. Okay, I’m not really brave at all. I don’t like surprises, adventures, or trying new things. Last year I read Radical by David Platt … and it tore me up! All my fears and insecurities and excuses were shot to pieces by the reality of Scripture’s call. We are called to a life of radical abandon … living with power and confidence – not in self but in Christ.
Lord, I am a scaredy cat … and far too often I’m working from a spirit of timidity rather than the Spirit of power You have given. Forgive me for relying on my flesh and what I think or feel rather than on You. And thank You for continuing Your work in my life, even when I am afraid and uncertain. Will You give me courage, Lord, to live out “by any means possible”? In Jesus’ Mighty Name, Amen.
so true! precious prayer at the bottom- thank you for sharing your heart 🙂
kelli-AdventurezInChildRearing recently posted…#31 days of Exploring God’s Creation – Day 22 – Field Guides
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