Sometimes my life seems an endless repetition … wake up, grab coffee, read, write, wake the girl, start laundry, wake the girl again, take out the dog, drink more coffee, take the girl to school, clean house, do laundry, play online, study, write, read, eat, remember that I need to decide what’s for dinner, play with the puppy, shower – hopefully!, pick the girl up, help with homework, take the girl to dance, pick the girl up from dance, fix dinner, clean up the kitchen, get the girl to bed, fall on the couch, watch TV, read, go to bed, sleep, start again the next day.
My days seem filled with small things …
- the never ending piles of laundry
- the floor I vacuumed yesterday needing vacuumed again
- the dishes in the sink
- the blog post I need to write
Some days I just wish for big things …
- a house that stays clean all. day. long.
- an empty laundry room
- an offer letter from a publisher
“Who despises the day of small things?” ~ Zechariah 4:10a
And I am reminded … small things matter.
And small things reveal my faithfulness.
And small things are important.
And small things are holy acts of worship.
And my heart turns.
- Laundry becomes praise for abundance.
- Meals become gratitude for provision.
- Driving becomes opportunity to bless.
My entire life may be a stream of “days of small things” … and I choose praise and thanks and worship in every small thing I do. And in the end, I think that’s probably the biggest thing of all.
Love it! Your post was the first one I saw this morning. How great the little things are! I needed that this morning. =)
Laura recently posted…Wednesday Wishes
So glad it was an encouragement to you, Laura! I needed it this morning too!! 🙂